IT & New Technologies

IT & New Technologies - SKP Legal SZCZERBA & KASIŃSKI

We provide comprehensive legal support for professional developers and businesses contracting information technology services in the implementation of IT projects. We support IT start-ups in preparing feasibility studies and creating legal frameworks for planned IT projects and their implementation. We serve online store operators and other businesses providing services by electronic means, particularly in support of their compliance with consumer protection laws.

Our core areas of expertise include:

  • Preparation of feasibility studies for planned IT projects, taking into consideration existing risks and current legal constraints
  • Preparation of legal advice for and negotiations of civil-law contracts for work; contracts for the transfer of intellectual property from IT project developers, graphics designers and other creators; and contracts with software developers and distributors, IT system implementation and maintenance companies offering cloud computing solutions, providers of hosting and other server solutions, Internet website owners, creators and operators of web pages, interactive agencies, and Internet providers
  • Preparation of and guidance on service terms and conditions, including operating rules for providing services by electronic means, establishing privacy policies and amending existing contracts
  • General support for the E-commerce industry, including preparation of and advising about operating rules for online stores and the implementation of new solutions and platforms
  • Development and establishment of start-ups, including advice on selecting schemes for IT project implementation, preparation of contracts for team members, and development of investment contracts
  • Consultation, negotiation, and preparation of contracts for software licenses, guarantees, service agreements, and hardware delivery contracts
  • Preparation of internal audits for personal data processing, advice on enterprise data flow, and preparation of personal data processing documentation
  • Legal advice on advertisement, media and the Internet
  • Establishment of special purpose vehicles for use in IT projects
  • Legal representation in court proceedings